The CoreMap solution overcomes the two main obstacles to mapping AF:
poor spatial resolution and inadequate sample density.
Our groundbreaking technology puts a cure within sight.
The CoreMap ultra-high resolution electrodes reveal the details of activation despite the complexity of fibrillation.The electrograms speak for themselves.
Pre-Clinical Data
CoreMap pre-clinical studies have demonstrated the ability to see AF wave patterns that standard commercially available catheters are blind to. The CoreMap array 'sees' conduction velocity and conduction direction within 6mm and 8ms. The following electrograms are recordings from CoreMap pre-clinical studies.
Top: CoreMap
Bottom: Standard
Note: CoreMap only ‘sees’ the signal when it is immediately beneath the electrodes
Ultra-High Resolution: Allows ability to discern conduction velocity and conduction direction within 6mm and 8ms!
Fractionated Electrograms = Diminished Mapping Accuracy
Standard Electrodes:
Ambiguous Excitation Time
Ultra-High Resolution = Greater Mapping Accuracy
CoreMap Electrodes:
Clear Excitation Time
(All electrograms pictured are actual electrograms.)